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Some useful Phrases in Turkish

Picture of Cosmo Anthony H
Cosmo Anthony H

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Some useful Phrases in Turkish

Here’s a list of useful Turkish phrases that would be great to practice for a visit to Turkey, along with their pronunciation and English translations. These phrases cover common situations you might encounter, such as greetings, ordering food, asking for directions, and polite expressions.

Greetings and Basic Phrases

1.   Merhaba

Pronunciation: mehr-hah-bah

English: Hello

2.   Nasılsınız?

Pronunciation: nah-suhl-suh-nuhz

English: How are you? (formal)

3.   İyiyim, teşekkür ederim.

Pronunciation: ee-yee-yeem, te-shek-kur eh-deh-reem

English: I’m fine, thank you.

4.   Adınız ne?

Pronunciation: ah-duh-nuhz neh

English: What’s your name? (formal)

5.   Benim adım…

Pronunciation: beh-neem ah-duhm…

English: My name is…

6.   Memnun oldum.

Pronunciation: mem-noon ohl-doom

English: Nice to meet you.

7.   Hoş geldiniz!

Pronunciation: hosh gel-dee-neez

English: Welcome!

8.   Güle güle

Pronunciation: goo-leh goo-leh

English: Goodbye (when you are staying and someone else is leaving)

9.   Hoşça kal

Pronunciation: hosh-chah kahl

English: Goodbye (when you are leaving)

Asking for Help and Directions

10.   Bakar mısınız?

Pronunciation: bah-kahr muh-suh-nuhz

English: Excuse me, can I ask something?

11.   Burası nerede?

Pronunciation: boo-rah-suh neh-reh-deh

English: Where is this place?

12.   Tuvalet nerede?

Pronunciation: too-vah-let neh-reh-deh

English: Where is the bathroom?

13.   Yardım eder misiniz?

Pronunciation: yahr-duhm eh-dehr mee-suh-nuhz

English: Can you help me?

14.   Ne kadar? Pronunciation: neh kah-dahr

English: How much does it cost?

Ordering Food and Drinks

15.   Bir kahve, lütfen.

Pronunciation: beer kah-veh loot-fen

English: One coffee, please.

16.   Bir bardak su, lütfen.

Pronunciation: beer bar-dahk soo loot-fen

English: A glass of water, please.

17.   Hesap lütfen.

Pronunciation: heh-sahp loot-fen

English: The check, please.

18.   Yemekler çok lezzetli!

Pronunciation: yeh-mek-lehr chohk lezz-et-lee

English: The food is very delicious!

19.   Et yemiyorum.

Pronunciation: eht yeh-mee-yor-uhm

English: I don’t eat meat.

20.   Tatlı var mı?

Pronunciation: taht-luh vahr muh

English: Do you have dessert?

Shopping and Numbers

21.   Bu kaç para?

Pronunciation: boo kahch pah-rah

English: How much is this?

22.   Ucuz

Pronunciation: oo-jooz

English: Cheap

23.   Pahalı

Pronunciation: pah-hah-luh

English: Expensive

24.   Bir, iki, üç, dört, beş

Pronunciation: beer, ee-kee, ooch, dohrt, besh

English: One, two, three, four, five

25.   On, yirmi, otuz, kırk, elli

Pronunciation: ohn, yeer-mee, oh-tooz, kuhrk, el-lee

English: Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty

Polite Expressions

26.   Teşekkür ederim.

Pronunciation: te-shek-kur eh-deh-reem

English: Thank you.

27.   Lütfen

Pronunciation: loot-fen

English: Please

28.   Afiyet olsun!

Pronunciation: ah-fee-yet ohl-soon

English: Enjoy your meal!

29.   Özür dilerim. Pronunciation: oh-zur dee-leh-reem English: I’m sorry.

30.   Sorun değil. Pronunciation: soh-roon deh-eel English: No problem.

Emergency Phrases

31.   Yardım edin!

Pronunciation: yahr-duhm eh-deen

English: Help!

32.   Doktor çağırın, lütfen.

Pronunciation: dok-tor chah-uh-reen loot-fen

English: Call a doctor, please.

33.   Polisi arayın!

Pronunciation: poh-lee-see ah-rah-yuhn

English: Call the police!

These phrases will help you navigate your visit to Turkey with ease, making interactions more enjoyable and helping you connect with locals. Practice these often, and you’ll be well-prepared for your trip!